
Dear guest, following Your stay on , we provide the necessary information concerning the personal data processing related to identified physical person or indentifiable physical person. Reffering to the data processing, as previewed on the article 13 of the General Data European Regulations for data protection  (Reguations UE 2016/679 - GDPR), we inform that validation of  informations related aren’t extended for other websites visited by the guest by clicking eventual links found on this website.

With the browsing, and with clicking to the services proposal found in various parts on this website (for example : filling the form to request informations), these general informations are taken for granted, as well as specific information linked to processing of data for different and specific uses, and the user gives its full consent to these processes.  We remark that the consent is valid only if it comes from an adult or a minor that has atleast 16 years ( art 8, comma 1 and 2 of GDPR ).


Breda Racing S.r.l., C.F.& VAT number IT02151330285, with head office in Villafranca Padovana, Loc. Ronchi, via 11 Settembre n. 29, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; p.e.c. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Personal information given from guests that send information requests via the form on the Contact page are used for giving a service or a requested performance and can de comunicated to third parties only if it is necessary for completing the request (for example : to manage eventual deliveries on behalf of Breda Racing srl).

Navigation data

Informatic systems and software procedures responsable for the normal function of the website, during their usual function, acquires some personal data wich the transmission is implicit to the internet comunication protocols.

Those informations arent collected to be used to associate interested indentified people, but because of their nature, they might allow to identify the users,  thanks to elaborations and associations with data detained by third parties.

In this category of data are included, as example, IP addresses or computers' domain names or other kind of way wich users can connect to the website, addresses of URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)  of the required requests, the time of the request, the method used to send the request to the server, the dimension of the file used for the reply, numbered code to understand the state of the request from the server(error, successfull, etc.) and more parameters related to the operating system and the user's computer enviroment.

This data is used only to obtain anonymous static information of the website use and to check the correct functioning. Data might be used as a proof of responsability in hypotetical cases of cybercrime or in legal action against damaging to the website and it might be exhibited to the judicial authority.


Cookies are text files that websites send to the access device to internet of users (usually to browsers) where they are memorized to be sent to the same websites at the next user visit.

There might be:

-Technical cookies: session cookies (wich grants the browsing and the usability of the website) functionality cookies (they let the users to select the parameters of the browsing ex: choosing a product or choosing language), cookie that authenticates users (login).

-Profiling cookies: used to send promotional advertisments messages related to the manifested liking of the user during the browsing or of specific sections visited.

-Third party cookies: cookies not installed by websites but by third party websites that instsall cookies on websites.

This website does'nt use cookies for the broadcast of personal information, nor any other form of cookies and no kinds of cookies mentioned before can be found on this website.

In any case, users can choose wich cookies can be seen in the websites, and through the browser options,  they can disable or enable specific use of the cookies from the option/privacy: Microsoft internet explorer: options, select tools then internet options and go to privacy; Firefox: for mac go to option, privacy and go to “show cookies”, Windows go to tools, option, access to privacy and then configurate a personalized option for the chronologic history; Google Chrome: in the menu tools, then options (preferences for mac) go to advanced and then select the privacy option- content options.

If users decide to disable the technical cookies they might risk to not view some parts of websites that want to browse. Through this website, Google analitycs cookies are installed to give statistic on how many times users visit a specific website and how long their staying is. Cookie name: _utmz, _utmt, _utmc, _utmb, _utma, displayCookieConsent. Google is the sole responsable for the processing of these data with specific systems.Users 1) can consult the privacy information of the company google inc. relative to the Google Analytics services, at this link: 2)to refuse the use of cookies of Google Analytics, as shown on Google’s website : To change their browser configuration downloading the additional tool for the disabling JavaScript of Google Analytics(ga.js , analytics.js , dc.js) at this link:

The disabling of Google Analytics cookies wont interfere in the normal website use but it impedes Breda Racing srl in making some statistics. Following the art. 7 d.lgs 196/03, the user can always know the aim and processing methods of the data and the subjects wich the user’s data will be passed on, having updates, integrity and data cancellation. He can aslo opposes for legitimate reasons for the use of one’s data.

The data acquired from Google Analytics can be used by Google too, following the terms of service of Google.

Data sent voluntarily by users

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of emails to the indicated emails on this website, leads to the acquisition of the sender email address, necessary to answer to the requests, and eventual personal data found in the mail. Specific warnings are viewed in the website page, (for example: filling of form for informations).


Except for the navigation data and the technical cookies, the user is free to give their personal data through the forms found on the website  to request informative material or other comunications and in general for the relative and specific informations. If informations are missing it could impede the information request.


Our company is the owner of the data processing and  will manage and record the users personal data obtained visiting the website or the different functionalities that can be used by the users. This data be managed by automatic tools or with tradicional methods and will be kept the strict necessary time to obtain the goals wich they are used for or voluntarily ocomunicated by the user.

Specific security measures, as seen on the art. 32 of the Ue regulation (2016/679) are followed to prevent losing the data, illegal uses and unauthorized access.

Data is processed only by personnel authorized by the owner of the treatment and they are not accessible to the staff that does the website technical maintenence.

The data will be processed inside the European Union and in no case will be forwarded. On this data it is NOT expected the user profiling.


All the rights of the articles , 15, 16, 17, 18 of the Regulation n. 679 regulation are actuated for the interested subjects (access with confirmation of the consent of own data, modification, cancellation and limitation of the processing data processing, if there will be any cases).

The interested users have the right to oppose, for legal cause, their data processing. Request should be sent to:

e-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

traditional mail : Breda Racing S.r.l., Via 11 Settembre 29, Villafranca Padovana, Loc. Ronchi, 35050 Padova


BREDA RACING Srl società a socio unico

Via 11 settembre, 29 - Fraz. Ronchi
35010 Villafranca Padovana (PD) - Italia

+39 049 9070456

C.F. - P.IVA: IT02151330285


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